IEEE Fellow; Professor and Future Fellow of the Australian Research Council at the School of Engineering, Australian National University (ANU), Australia; Associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics.
IEEE Fellow; Professor of University of Florida
Member of the Academia Europaea; IEEE Fellow; Professor in Département Réseaux et Services Multimédia Mobiles at Télécom SudPais and CNRS, France; Chair Professor at Peking University, Beijing, China.
IEEE Fellow; AIMBE Fellow; EAMBES Fellow; Full Professor and the Chair in Neurorehabilitation Engineering at the Department of Bioengineering of Imperial College London, UK.
Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering; IEEE Fellow; Founding Director of the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT); Director of the Department of Advanced Robotics at IIT; Honorary Professor at the Universities of Manchester, Kings College London, Sheffield, Bangor and Tianjin.
Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering; Professor in Systems Design Engineering and the Associate Dean of Research & External Partnerships (ADR) for Engineering at the University of Waterloo; Director of Vision and Image Processing (VIP) Lab at at the University of Waterloo
Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering; Fellow of Engineers Australia; Clifford Chair of Neural Engineering, Director of ARC Training Centre in Cognitive Computing for Medical Technologies, Co-Director of Victorian Medtech Skills and Devices Hub, the Department of Biomedical Engineering and the Graeme Clark Institute, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, The University of Melbourne, Australia.
IEEE Fellow; ACM Fellow; Member Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences; Founder and past director, Zurich Information Security Center; Professor in Computer Science at ETH Zurich
ASCE Fellow; INFORMS Fellow; RSAI Fellow; Professor Emeritus in the Department of Civil, Materials, and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA. Following retirement in 2003, he is also an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, McCormick School of Engineering, Northwestern University, USA; Recipient of the Robert Herman Lifetime Achievement Award, Transportation Science and Logistics Society of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), 2003, and the Founder’s Medal, Regional Science Association International (RSAI), 2000.
ACM Fellow; IEEE Fellow; 2008 Fulbright Fellow to India; 2019 Visiting Professor at ETH Zürich; Elected member of Phi Beta Kappa; Provost, and Pat and John Rosenwald Professor in the Department of Computer Science, at Dartmouth College, USA.
IEEE Fellow; President of Natural Selection, Inc.; CEO of Natural Selection Financial; Co-founder of Effect Technologies
IEEE Fellow, OSA Fellow, SPIE Fellow, IS&T Fellow, IAPR Fellow, IARIA Fellow, Djerassi Fellow. Visiting Lecturer, Stanford University
IEEE Fellow; Board member for the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance; Professor and head of the Communications Systems Department of EURECOM; Head of the Foundations and Algorithms group; 3IA Chair funded on the topic of AI for future IoT Networks
IEEE Life Fellow; ACM Fellow; AAAS Fellow; EATCS Fellow; International member of US National Academy of Sciences; International member of US National Academy of Engineering; Foreign honorary member of American Academy of Arts and Sciences; Member of the Academia Europaea; Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS); Foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Member of Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities; President of Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities; Professor and former Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, The Weizmann Institute of Science.
IEEE Fellow; ASE Fellow; ACM Distinguished Member; Professor of Computer Science and Director of the Information and Systems Cluster at School of Computing and Information Systems, Singapore Management University
IEEE Fellow; Professor of Electrical Engineering in the College of Engineering and Computing at the University of South Carolina.
Awardee of Fields Medal, Wolf Prize, Shaw Prize, and National Medal of Science; Member of the US National Academy of Sciences; Foreign Member of the UK Royal Society; Foreign Member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, the Italian National Academy of Sciences; Foreign Member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters; Honorary Member of the London Mathematical Society; Member of American Philosophical Society; Professor Emeritus at Harvard University; Professor Emeritus of Applied Mathematics at Brown University; Honorary Professor at Peking University.
ACM Fellow; Fellow of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS); The Norman D. Cohen Professorial Chair of Computer Sciences, Former Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel; Recipient of ACM Edsger W. Dijkstra Prize in Distributed Computing in 2008 and SIROCCO Prize for Innovation In Distributed Computing in 2011.