Life Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering; Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada; Fellow of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering; Professor of mechanical and industrial engineering and the Director of the Robotics, Mechatronics, and Automation Laboratory (RMAL) at Toronto Metropolitan University
IEEE Fellow; Global Lead of Perception AI, Qualcomm AI Research; Former Full Tenured Professor in the Research School of Engineering, Australian National University (ANU), Canberra; Former Technical Vice Presiden of Futurewei (Huawei USA)
Member of the Academia Europaea; EurAI fellow; Professor of Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science at University of Trento; Foreign high-end experts of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs
Fellow of the IEEE; Fellow of the SPIE; Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Temple University, USA; Director of the Multimodal Sensing and Imaging Laboratory at Temple University; Past Chair of the IEEE Dennis J. Picard Medal for Radar Technologies and Applications Committee.
Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS), American Statistical Association (ASA), Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS), and the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB); Member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI); Professor and Former Associate Chair of the Department of Quantitative and Computational Biology, Professor in the Department of Mathematics, University of Southern California, USA; Recipient of USC Mellon Mentoring award for faculty mentoring in 2012, and the USC Dornsife College senior Raubenheimer Outstanding Faculty Award for excellence in the areas of research, teaching and service, in 2017.
IEEE Fellow; Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Galicia; Professor of the Department of Signal Theory and Communications at the University of Vigo; Research Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of New Mexico
IEEE Fellow; Professor of Electromagnetics, Director of the Antennas and Metamaterials Research Lab, Department of Industrial, Electronic, Mechanical Engineering, ROMA TRE University, Italy; Executive Director of the Virtual Institute for Artificial Electromagnetic Materials and Metamaterials–METAMORPHOSE VI AISBL.
ACM Fellow; Fellow at the ISI Foundation in Torino, Italy; Luddy Distinguished Professor of Informatics and Computer Science at the Indiana University Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering, director of the Observatory on Social Media, and a member (and former director) of the Center for Complex Networks and Systems Research; Fellow of the Center for Computer-Mediated Communication, Senior Research Fellow of the Kinsey Institute, Indiana University.
Fellow of the US National Academy of Inventors; IEEE Fellow; Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at California State University – Long Beach; Dean of the College of Engineering at California State University – Long Beach (2007-2020)
Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts; IAPR Fellow; Professor of computer science and former Dean of the Faculty of Computer and Information Science with the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
AAAI President; AAAI Fellow; EurAI Fellow; IBM fellow and IBM AI Ethics Global Leader, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, USA
IEEE Fellow; ASME Fellow; IFAC Fellow; SIAM Fellow; Former President of the IEEE Control Systems Society, Former Chair of the SIAM Activity Group on Control and Systems Theory; Distinguished Professor and Former Chair of the Mechanical Engineering Department, University of California at Santa Barbara.
Member of The Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW); Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Academic Director of the Center for Learning Sciences (LEARN), Head of the Mobile Robotic Systems Group (MOBOTS), the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland.
EurAI Fellow; Vice Rector and delegate for Teaching of the University of Calabria, Italy; Professor of computer engineering at the Department of Computer Engineering, Modelling, Electronics and Systems, the University of Calabria; His research interests are computational complexity, game theory, (hyper) graph theory, constraint satisfaction, logic programming, knowledge representation, non-monotonic reasoning, and database theory.
IEEE Fellow; HKIE Fellow; Founder/Chief Solution Officer of DeepTranslate Limited; Emeritus and Honorary Professor of Department of Computer Science at University of Hong Kong
Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences-TWAS (2025), Fellow of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences-ABC (2023); Fellow of the Science Academy of Pernambuco State-APC (2020); Fellow of the Core Academy (International Core Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 2024);Fellow of the Artificial Intelligence Industry Alliance-AIIA (2024), Full Professor, Informatic Center, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil.
IEEE Fellow; Member of the Academia Europaea; ACM Distinguished Scientist; Fellow of Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence; Full Professor of Computer Science at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
IEEE Fellow; Senior Research Scientist (“Directeur de Recherche”) at INRIA (the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation) at IRISA in Rennes, France. Head of the Lagadic group at INRIA from 2004 till 2017.