IEEE Fellow; Professor in the Department of Information Engineering at the University of Pisa; Director of the National Laboratory of Radar and Surveillance Systems, National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications, Pisa.
IEEE Fellow; Professor at Sapienza University of Rome; Research Affiliate at the Research Laboratory of Electronics (RLE), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); Fellow of the Radcliffe Institute of Advanced Study at Harvard University
ACM Fellow; IEEE Fellow; AAAI Fellow; A. Nico Haberman Award; CSE Distinguished Professor and Distinguished University Teaching Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota
Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science; Professor at the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology in Warsaw, Poland; Former Professor of information systems at The University of Queensland, Australia, from 1988 to 2016.
IEEE Fellow; Professor of System and Control Engineering at the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering of the Polytechnic of Bari; Chair of the Laboratory of Automation and Control
IEEE Fellow; Full Professor in Systems and Control Engineering in the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, at Politecnico di Bari, Italy; Coordinator of the Italian National PhD Program on Autonomous Systems (DAUSY); General Chair of the CASE2024 annual IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering; Vice Rector for Research of Politecnico di Bari (2011-2013).
Member of the Academia Europaea; Fellow of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science; Emeritus Professor of Computer Science at the University of Torino
Member of Academia Europaea; Member of the French Academy of Sciences; Member of the ACM Siggraph Academy; Professor and President of the CS Department at Ecole Polytechnique; Head of the Modeling, Simulation & Learning pole at LIX, CNRS/Ecole Polytechnique, IP Paris; President of the Scientific Council of the French CS Society SIF (Société Informatique de France)
ACL Fellow; Professor of Computer Science and Engineering and Head of the Natural Language and Dialogue Systems Lab, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Baskin School of Engineering, University of California Santa Cruz, USA.
IEEE Fellow; Professor of University of Melbourne; Founder and Director of the ARC Research Network on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing; Co-director of the Centre of Excellence for Networked Decision Systems
IAPR Fellow; Vice Rector and Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Robotics, University of Salerno (Italy). Director of the Intelligent Machine for Video and Audio Recognition (Mivia) Laboratory.
IEEE Fellow; Professor and Chair in Machine Learning for Networked Intelligent Systems with the Communication Systems Department, EURECOM, France
Member of Academia Europaea; IEEE Fellow; IFAC Fellow; Member of the Cyprus Academy of Sciences, Letters, and Arts; Professor and Director of the KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence, University of Cyprus; Honorary Professor of Imperial College London
IAMBE Fellow; AIMBE Fellow; IEEE Fellow; SPIE Fellow; Donald Biggar Willett Professor in Engineering and Head of the Department of Bioengineering, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
IEEE Fellow; AAAS Fellow; ACM Distinguished Educator; Distinguished University Professor of Computer Science and Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education in the College of Engineering and Computing at Florida International University in Miami Florida
Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand; IEEE Fellow; Director of the Empathic Computing Laboratory and Professor at the University of South Australia in Adelaide, Australia; Professor at the University of Auckland in Auckland, New Zealand
ISCB Fellow; AAAS Fellow; Albert L. Williams Professor of Biomedical Informatics and Professor of Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry, of Computer Science, and of Statistics & Data Science, Yale University, USA; Co-Director of the Yale Computational Biology & Bioinformatics Program; Recipient of the 2023 ISCB Accomplishments by a Senior Scientist Award.
AAAI Fellow; IEEE Fellow; Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada; Distinguished Professor of Urban System Engineering at the University of Toronto; Professor of Industrial Engineering and Computer Science; Associate Director for Research, School of Cities; Head, Enterprise Integration Laboratory