IEEE Fellow; ACM Fellow; Member of Academia Europaea; Professor of Computer Science in the Information Technology and Electrical Engineering Department and Computer Science Department at ETH Zurich; Adjunct Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University; Adjunct Professor of Computer Engineering at Bilkent University
AAAS Fellow; ACM Fellow; AIMBE Fellow; IEEE Fellow; NAI Fellow; Member of the ACM SIGIR Academy; Member of the Academia Europaea; Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts; Lead Science and Technology Advisor for Aurora Forge; Chief Scientific Officer of Invaryant, Inc.; Member of the computer science faculty at Georgetown University; Member of the biostatistics, bioinformatics and biomathematics faculty in the Georgetown University Medical Center
IEEE Fellow; Professor in Electrical Engineering Department, Technical University of Catalonia; ICREA Academia Researcher
Member of Academia Europaea; Professor of Computer Science and Former Vice Rector at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
IEEE Fellow; Fellow of Institute of Electrical Engineer Japan; Professor and Dean of Faculty of Engineering at Kyoto University of Advanced Science
Member of the Academia Europea; ER Fellow; ER Peter Chen Awardee; Director of Internationalization and Transference, Valencian Research Institute of Artificial Intelligence (VRAIN), Professor and Director of "Centro de I+D en Métodos de Producción de Software (PROS)" at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering; Fellow and Former Scientific Director of the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii); Canada CIFAR AI Chair; Professor in Computing Science at the University of Alberta, Canada.
ACM Fellow; AAAS Fellow; IEEE Fellow; Richard and Loan Hill Professor of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and Affiliate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.
IEEE Fellow; Turing Fellow; Head of the Internet of Everything (IoE) Group at the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge; Adjunct Professor with the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and the Director of Next-generation and Wireless Communications Laboratory (NWCL) at the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Koc University, Turkey.
IEEE Fellow; Consulting Professor at Stanford University
IEEE Fellow; IAMBE Fellow; AIUM Fellow; SPIE Fellow; Former Vice President of the research and development, Distinguished Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Distinguished Professor with the Institute of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics, National Taiwan University.
Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE); Fellow of the Indian Academy of Science (IASc); Fellow of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India; Head of Research and Innovation, Formal Verification, Synopsys Inc., USA; Professor on leave, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur.
Member of Academia Europaea; International Fellow of UK Royal Academy of Engineering; IEEE Fellow; ACM Distinguished Scientist; Director of the HKUST-DT System and Media Laboratory (SyMLab) at Computer Science and Engineering Department of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
IEEE Fellow; Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, USA; Recipient of the NSF CAREER Award in 2012.
IEEE Fellow; Professor of Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia, National Taiwan University
AAAS Fellow; AIMBE Fellow; INFORMS Fellow; EUROPT Fellow; Member of the Academia Europaea; Foreign Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Foreign Member of Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Arts, Russia; Honorary Member of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences; Foreign Member of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences; Foreign Associate Member of Reial Academia de Doctors, Spain; Paul and Heidi Brown Preeminent Professor in Industrial & Systems Engineering at the University of Florida
IEEE Fellow; Fellow of the Young Academy of Europe; a Knut and Alice Wallenberg Academy Fellow; ACM Distinguished Member; Professor and Leader of the Networked Systems Security (NSS) Group at KTH
IEEE Fellow; Corresponding Member of the Academy of Agriculture, Sciences and Letters (Verona); Professor University of Verona; Founder of ALTAIR robotics laboratory; Founder of Surgica Robotica