Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK; IEEE Fellow; BCS Fellow; IET Fellow; Professor of Brunel University London
ACM Fellow; IEEE Fellow; Professor of the Computer Science Department at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel; Co-director of Tech.AI, the Technion center for Artificial Intelligence; Founder of ClearSky, acquired by Verint and Founder of CYIOT, acquired by the Founders Group.
IEEE Fellow; ACM Distinguished Scientist; Head and Professor of School of Computer Science, Sydney University
IEEE Fellow; IET Fellow; Fellow of the Institution of Engineers (India); Full Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar, and former Full Professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, India. Dr. Iqbal has been listed in top 2% highly cited scientists of the world (Stanford University, USA) since 2019. He has authored or coauthored more than 580 research articles, 10 patents, and four books and several chapters in edited books. He has supervised several large research and development projects worth several million USD. He has supervised 21 PhD. He was also a recipient of the Outstanding Faculty Merit Award for year 2014–2015 and the Research Excellence Awards at Qatar University, in 2015, and 2022. He has received Research Excellence Award from the College of Engineering, Qatar University in 2019. He has received several best research papers awards in top International Conferences. He is serving as the Vice-Chair of the IEEE Qatar Section. He is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics and Senior Editor IEEE Access.
Fellow of Royal Society (London); Foreign Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Member of the Korean Academy of Science; Foreign Member the Korean Academy of Technology; Prestigious UNESCO Science Prize; Winer of Grosse Goldene Ehrenzeischen am Bande; Winner of International Scientific Corporation Award; Winer of Friendship Award of China; Einstein Professorship by Chinese Academy of Sciences; Honorary Life Fellow of Kings College, Cambridge University; President of Network of Academies of Sciences of Islamic Countries (NASIC); Foreign Fellow of the Chinese Chemical Society
Member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences; IEEE Fellow; Professor with the School of Engineering at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL); Director of the Learning Algorithms and Systems Laboratory at EPFL.
IEEE fellow; Professor and Qualcomm Chair in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Director of the Video and Image Processing (VIP) Lab, University of California at Berkeley; Recipient of SPIE Electronic Imaging Scientist of the Year (2018), Presidential Young Investigator (PYI) Award (1990), and Henry Ford Engineering Award (1983), and Hertz fellow (1984-1988); Winner of the U.S. Department of Energy grand prize for E-ROBOT competition; Co-Founder of OPC technology in 1996 and UrbanScan in 2005; Founder of Indoor Reality in 2015.
Fellow of US National Academy of Inventors; Fellow of Guggenheim Foundation; AAAS Fellow; SPIE Fellow; OSA Fellow; IEEE Fellow; AIMBE Fellow; RSC Fellow; APS Fellow; Chancellor’s Professor and the Volgenau Chair for Engineering Innovation at UCLA
IEEE Fellow; Roy and Lois Chope Chair in Engineering, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Professor of Integrated Systems Engineering, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, all at Ohio State University
Fellow of National Academy of Inventors; Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE); IEEE Fellow; Chair and Professor, Department of Bioengineering, Speed School of Engineering, University of Louisville; Director, BioImaging Laboratory, University of Louisville.
Member of National Academy of Engineering; AAAS Fellow; AIAA Fellow; IEEE Life Fellow; IETE Life Fellow; INCOSE Fellow; SDPS Fellow; Professor of Astronautical Engineering, Executive Director of USC’s Systems Architecting and Engineering Program in the Viterbi School of Engineering, Director of the Distributed Autonomy and Intelligent Systems Laboratory, University of Southern California
Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering; Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada; IEEE Fellow; AAAS Fellow; Full Professor and Canada Research Chair in Large-Scale Distributed Interactive Simulations and Mobile Computing and Networking; Director of PARADISE Research Laboratory, SITE, University of Ottawa; Co-Associate Director of OC-MISS
IEEE Fellow; Fellow of India National Academy of Engineering; Fellow of National Academy of Sciences, India; Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department and Head of Centre for Automotive Research and Tribology (CART), IIT Delhi, India
IEEE Fellow; ACM Fellow; Wilson and Marie Collins Professor of Engineering Department of CISE, University of Florida
IEEE Fellow; AIMBE Fellow; Professor and Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Houston
ACM Fellow; AAAI Fellow; IEEE Fellow; Professor Emeritus in the Computer and Information Science Department at the Ohio State University.
Member of the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences (NTVA); Professor and Chief Research Scientist, Head of Department Signal and Information Processing for Intelligent Systems, at Simula Research Laboratory, Norway; Professor and Director of the Center of Intelligent Signal Processing and Wireless Networks (WISENET), Department of Information and Communication Technology, University of Agder (UiA), Norway.
IEEE Fellow; AIAA Fellow; Visiting Professor and Senior Fellow, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Berkeley, CA. Senior Scientist at the University Space Research Association (USRA) located in the NASA Ames Research Center. Earlier, he served as the NASA Senior Scientist for air transportation systems; Recipient of the AIAA Engineering Software Award in 2009, the NASA Invention of the Year Award in 2010 and the FAA Award for the Excellence in Aviation Research in 2010.